Maximize your research potential

“Maximize your research potential” is a unique scholarship program accessible to ESG UQAM students, from bachelor’s to postdoctoral level, which can be combined with other available awards. The program’s objective is to increase the recruitment of research students, while also promoting research at ESG UQAM. Browse through our program, which offers scholarships covering admissions, career development, and outreach.

Entrance Scholarships

Research Internship for Bachelor Students

By introducing research to students at an undergraduate level, this program seeks to encourage them to continue their studies by enrolling in an ESG master’s program. This scholarship program will debut in the 2021 Winter term.

Master’s Entrance Scholarship

Debuting in fall 2021, ESG master’s programs will be able to award a $3,000 entrance scholarship to an exceptional student as an incentive to enrol in their program.

Dissertation Stream Scholarships

Five $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to students who are enrolled in the dissertation stream or who intend to modify their studies to include a dissertation.

Doctoral Recruitment

Beginning in the 2019 Fall term, ESG doctoral programs will award a $10,000 entrance scholarship to an exceptional student as an incentive to enrol in their program.

Postdoctoral Recruitment – Currently active

For the 2021Winter term, the Associate Dean of Research will be offering a $15,000 salary contribution to recruit a postdoctoral candidate demonstrating outstanding potential. To apply, please complete your application form by February 22, 2021, 11:59 p.m. at the latest.

Progress Scholarships

Undergraduate Research Initiation Scholarship

The undergraduate research initiation scholarship, valued at least $500, offers the opportunity to discover part-time, one of our research units, for a maximum of four weeks. You will have the opportunity to participate in data collection, go into the field, do analysis or even meet with organizations. Each research unit recognized by ESG UQAM has one scholarship per year, take advantage of it!

Doctoral Progress

These scholarships are intended to provide additional funding on top of the universal doctoral scholarship. They are aimed at doctoral students who successfully complete the various courses and stages required throughout their doctoral program (comprehensive and doctoral exams, thesis proposal and initial submission) by the appointed term. The program will be implemented for the 2020 Fall term.

Doctoral Mobility

Beginning in the 2020 Winter term, a competition will be held each academic term to award two $3,000 scholarships. The scholarships will enable students to partially cover travel expenses related to research visits or data collection lasting a minimum of 7 consecutive days, as part of a thesis project.

Conference Expenses Allowance – Anytime

The ESG Associate Dean of Research contributes to the ESG Student Association’s (AéESG) allowance program which includes coverage for conference expenses. The program provides partial funding for travel expenses ($500) to students wishing to present their research findings at a conference. To apply, please complete the application form provided by the AéESG (in French only).

Publication of a Scientific Article – Currently active

Launched in the 2020 Winter term, this program seeks to encourage candidates to publish a scientific article presenting the research topic they have chosen for the thesis or dissertation component of their studies. A $2,500 scholarship will be offered for each academic level. The competition is also open to alumni. To apply, please complete your application form no later than February 22, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Outreach Scholarships

Best Dissertation – Currently active

To recognize the excellence of ESG master’s students, the Associate Dean of Research, in collaboration with the AéESG, will award a $2,000 scholarship for the best master’s dissertation submitted between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The scholarship will be offered from the 2021 Winter term onwards. To apply, please complete your application form no later than February 22, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Best Supervised Project – Currently active

To recognize the excellence of ESG master’s students, the Associate Dean of Research, in collaboration with the AéESG, will award a $1,000 scholarship for the best supervised project (essay, internship, intervention report or project) submitted between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The scholarship will be offered from the 2021 Winter term onwards. To apply, please complete your application form no later than February 22, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Best Thesis – Currently active

To recognize the excellence of ESG doctoral candidates, the Associate Dean of Research, in collaboration with the AéESG, will award a $4,000 scholarship for the best doctoral thesis submitted between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The scholarship will be offered from the 2021 Winter term onwards. To apply, please complete your application form no later than February 22, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Emerging Research Ambassador

This annual award is designed to recruit one master’s and one doctoral student who will take on the role of promoting research to students throughout the academic year during ESG outreach events (university open house days, Journées de l’innovation and Research Horizons events). Successful candidates will each receive a $5,000 scholarship. The competition takes place each fall.

2020-2021 Award Recipients: Mélissa Coissard, doctoral student in Economics and Rosalie Rivet-Nantais, master’s student in Management science.